Go faster at receival sites
FastWeigh is our modern and streamlined digital receival processing system. By reducing the amount of human interaction and digitising records, we’re speeding up the delivery process while improving accuracy and truck turnaround times.
How does it work?
Using FastWeigh at our sites, every truckload undergoes rapid sampling and testing, so that we can classify the load and receive it into the correct segregation.
When our operator keys in your National Grower Register (NGR) number, the system automatically populates the truck details from your last visit, potentially cutting down manual input time. This also ensures the accuracy of information and truck weight.
Normally, when a truck driver arrives at the sample stand or weighbridge, they’re handed a clipboard with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip. This chip becomes the digital carrier of delivery information as the truck progresses through the site, starting with sampling then gross weight and finally tare weight at the end of the delivery process.
As part of our COVID-safe plans, our staff will manually enter the truck registration into the system to mimic the action of the chip and to enable a contactless process.

Be notified as it happens
Every time new information is added, the chip updates your profile on CropConnect. Information is processed immediately, meaning your action to store or sell is recognised in just minutes on the platform.
You also receive alerts back on the farm via the GrainCorp app as your grain passes through the sampling, gross and tare weight stations.