Harvest – it’s Aussie agriculture’s grand final. We’re reporting from the field this season as the headers fire up and your local site becomes a hive of activity.
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Partnering with growers for prosperity
Our close relationship with growers across Australia’s east coast connects them with domestic and international markets. We’re proud of our world-class growers and our role in marketing, storing and shipping their quality grains and oilseeds....
Connecting Australian growers to key global markets
Australian growers produce some of the world’s finest grains and oilseeds. They’re so good, the rest of the world demands them for food, distilling, brewing, feed and renewable energy. But shipping millions of tonnes of high quality product...
Storing your own grain? Here’s what you should look out for
If you’re storing grain, you’ll know how important good practices are to safe storage and maintenance of grain quality. You’ll also know how challenging it can be. “Storing grain safely is a real skill,” says Jason Shanley, GrainCorp’s Quality...
How trains give grain a rails run at harvest
Nothing – but nothing – beats a rail connection for moving large quantities of grain. Whether it’s hauling almost 3000 tonnes from delivery site to port for export or shifting stock from regional storage sites to the local flour mill, trains get...
The complicated art of loading a bulk carrier…
Berthing and loading a 250-metre grain bulk carrier vessel is a finely judged dance. It’s something we do every week across our seven ports. GrainCorp charters up to 100 vessels each year, literally crossing the world’s seven seas to deliver...
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